There are three reasons expectations are unmet.
Someone didn't know WHAT to do.
Someone didn't know HOW to do it.
Someone didn't WANNA do it.
The follower is only responsible for the last one. The leader is responsible for the other two.
HOW is the hard part. Those performing the tasks need to have talent, means, time, and resources to accomplish the task.
If you give someone a five pound bag and ask them to pick up 10 pounds of stuff off the floor, you lose the right to complain about which 5 pounds they choose to pick up.

Challenge Leadership Lessons
Bring Me A Rock People often miss Expectations due to the “Bring Me A Rock” syndrome. This occurs when a leader has a very explicit idea of what should be done but fails to provide the level of specificity needed for the followers to comply with the expectation. As noted in the discussion of the…
Read MoreA humorous lesson in communication. Insertion of spin on a repetitive basis can distort the original intent beyond all recognition.
Read MoreDespair
Despair is the opposite of love. Despair is a powerful emotion that PREVENTS you from acting (for the benefit or detriment of others). It is the ultimate shutdown button on your soul. When you are in despair, you cannot lead.
Read MorePeople in despair act on their frustrations in inventive ways. Malicious compliance is one of them. It is a warning sign the leadership is failing.
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